Sunday, March 6, 2016

Ballarat abuse survivors return to Australia and other top stories.

  • Ballarat abuse survivors return to Australia

    Ballarat abuse survivors return to Australia
    Ballarat abuse survivors return to Australia
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  • 'What happened to me was child abuse'

    'What happened to me was child abuse'
    TRAUMA ALERT: Some readers might find some of the following first-hand accounts disturbing. If they trigger any difficult feelings, please talk to someone you trust who can help support you. If need be, you can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14. These accounts are from people who attended Ballarat and Queen's Anglican Grammar School around the time I was there, and I knew most of them personally. I have no reason to disbelieve any of these accounts, all of which have been through a very careful p..
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  • Water bills to rise as desal plant gets the go-ahead to start making ...

    Water bills to rise as desal plant gets the go-ahead to start making ...
    Video will begin in 5 seconds. Inside our desalination plant It hasn't delivered a drop of water yet, but the Wonthaggi desalination plant stands ready to turn on the taps whenever needed. PT2M14S 620 349 The first water order from Victoria's controversial Wonthaggi desalination plant has been placed by the Andrews government in a bid to combat declining water storages across the state.Premier Daniel Andrews and Water Minister Lisa Neville made the announcement at Cardinia res..
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  • South Coast Brekkie Blog | Sunday, March 6, 2016

    South Coast Brekkie Blog | Sunday, March 6, 2016
    BALLARAT: The Vatican has issued a statement praising Cardinal George Pell for his testimony at the royal commission and rejecting claims the Catholic ...
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  • Turnbull's MTM not good enough IA chief tells Senate NBN Inquiry

    The chief executive of Internet Australia, the peak body representing Internet users, has told the Senate NBN Inquiry currently underway in Canberra that the MTM broadband network being built by nbn is not good enough for Australia’s future needs. According to IA CEO Laurie Patton, who addressed the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network last week, a survey of IA members showed that 80% were dissatisfied with the MTM model.A similarly large proportion of respondents believe..
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  • Sex abuse survivors accuse Scottish inquiry of 'abusing' them all ...

    Sex abuse survivors accuse Scottish inquiry of 'abusing' them all ...
    SURVIVORS are growing so despondent at the progress of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that many say they feel like they are being abused all over again. Survivors say the Scottish government is failing them, and feel the slow progress and limited remit of the inquiry is adding insult to the already very grievous injuries they have suffered, and believe they will never see the justice they deserve. Andi Lavery, of Catholic survivor group White Flowers Alba, has even declared that he ..
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  • Kardinal Pell will Anti-Missbrauchs-Zentrum unterstЧtzen

    Kardinal Pell will Anti-Missbrauchs-Zentrum unterstЧtzen
    Kurienkardinal George Pell will australische Missbrauchsopfer beim Aufbau eines Forschungszentrums zur Prävention sexueller Übergriffe in der katholischen Kirche unterstützen. Das habe er am Donnerstag bei einem Treffen mit australischen Missbrauchsopfern in Rom zugesichert, sagte Pell in einem Interview der italienischen Tageszeitung „La Stampa“ vom Samstag. Von Sonntag bis Donnerstag hatte der Präfekt des vatikanischen Wirtschaftssekretariats per nächtlicher Video-Schaltung vor der australisc..
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  • Tutti i travagli del cardinale George Pell

    Tutti i travagli del cardinale George Pell
    Quattro audizioni in una settimana, dalle 22.30 alle 2 del mattino, in videoconferenza per l’Australia. “Sono un po’ stanco”, dice alla Stampa il cardinale George Pell, prefetto della Segreteria per l’Economia e già arcivescovo di Melbourne e Sydney. Interrogato dalla Royal Commission australiana che indaga sugli abusi su minori commessi tra gli anni Settanta e Ottanta da parte di membri del clero. In particolare, a Pell è stato chiesto conto di quanto avveniva nelle diocesi di Ballarat (dove e..
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  • Las vьctimas de curas pedзfilos

    Las vьctimas de curas pedзfilos
    Roma, Italia | AFP Las víctimas de sacerdotes pedófilos en Australia pidieron en Roma a la Iglesia que no se limite a decir “palabras” y pasar a los actos, tras escuchar el testimonio del cardenal George Pell sobre el encubrimiento por décadas del fenómeno en su país. “Hasta ahora hemos escuchado palabras. Necesitamos pasar a una acción concreta, y que se use todo el peso de la Iglesia para ayudar a las víctimas y para que eso no vuelva a ocurrir”, pidió Anthony Foster, padre de dos niñas viol..
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  • Cardeal australiano descarta renunciar apзs acusaушes de ...

    Cardeal australiano descarta renunciar apзs acusaушes de ...
    O influente cardeal australiano George Pell, encarregado das finanças do Vaticano, descartou renunciar ao seu cargo, apesar do escândalo que atinge vários padres pedófilos em sua ex-diocese, em uma entrevista à Sky News.O ex-chefe da Igreja católica na Austrália, que se converteu em 2014 em chefe da Secretaria de Economia da Santa Sé, negou ter acobertado casos de pedofilia cometidos nos anos 70 e 80 por sacerdotes e religiosos da diocese de Melbourne, quando era arcebispo desta cidade.Pell, de ..
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Asteroid to pass by Earth: scientists .Cardinal Pell holds 'hard, honest' meeting with Ballarat victims .
George Pell tells royal commission it was a 'disastrous coincidence ... .Cardinal George Pell's claims he was deceived by dying former ... .

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