Sunday, July 3, 2016

Those Bright Spots On Ceres Are Weirder Than We Imagined and other top stories.

  • Those Bright Spots On Ceres Are Weirder Than We Imagined

    Those Bright Spots On Ceres Are Weirder Than We Imagined
    After months of rampant speculation, scientists announced late last year that the bright spots on dwarf planet Ceres are giant deposits of salt. Case closed, right? Not exactly. We’ve since gotten a better look at the spots, and the craters they reside in, and Ceres is shaping up to be a much weirder place than we imagined. Centre of Occator Crater, which features the most prominent bright spot on dwarf planet Ceres. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech Two new scientific papers offer depth, detail and mor..
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  • These ancient tombs in Portugal were used as 'telescopes' by Neolithic people

    These ancient tombs in Portugal were used as 'telescopes' by Neolithic people
    Ancient stargazers may have used entrance passages of 6,000-year-old Neolithic tombs as telescopes to enhance visibility of the night sky. This could have been a part of an ancient ritual. The megalithic tombs could have also been used by prehistoric communities for setting their calendar, thousands of years before Galileo. Astronomers believe that the ancient tombs provided a unique window from which the stars could be viewed with unprecedented clarity. According to University of Wales Trinity..
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  • Mercury's surface formed when volcanic activity spewed up materials from the core

    Mercury's surface formed when volcanic activity spewed up materials from the core
    Lab experiments have revealed that the chemistry of Mercury’s most ancient plains was likely forged near the planet’s core. NASA researchers said that Mercury’s surface feature originated from intense heating and crushing of rock 400 kilometres down, where the planet’s mantle meets the iron core. Volcanic activity spat up the rock that formed the oldest rocks found on Mercury’s surface. The scientists recreated the material that resembled volcanic deposits on the planet’s surface. NASA’s MESSEN..
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  • Gore's Daughter Arrested In Pipeline Protest, 'Proud' Father Speaks Out In Support

    Gore's Daughter Arrested In Pipeline Protest, 'Proud' Father Speaks Out In Support
    Al Gore’s daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff, was arrested along with 22 others in Boston on Wednesday. The former Vice President’s daughter was at a demonstration to protest the construction of a pipeline. Gore’s daughter will likely be arraigned today. Meanwhile, Gore could not be prouder of his 42-year-old daughter standing up for environmental justice. Very proud of my daughter @KarennaGore & those she joined to stand for #climatejustice this week: #stopspectra — Al Gore ..
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  • UFO Hunters Spot Six-Inch Doorway To Tiny Mars Alien Home In NASA's Spirit Rover Photo [Video]

    UFO Hunters Spot Six-Inch Doorway To Tiny Mars Alien Home In NASA's Spirit Rover Photo [Video]
    Alien hunters have announced “discovery” of a six-inch doorway to the home of a Mars alien. The announcement comes soon after “discovery” of a six-inch alien on Mars believed to be of the same alien species as the famous Atacama Alien discovered on Earth in 2003. The latest bizarre discovery was made in an old photo of rock-strewn Martian surface snapped by NASA’s Spirit rover deployed to the Red Planet in January 2004. Spirit rover sent its last communication to Earth on March 22, 2010, after ..
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  • Antarctic's penguin population steadily declining due to climate change; Warming sea water a hindrance to rear chicks

    Antarctic's penguin population steadily declining due to climate change; Warming sea water a hindrance to rear chicks
    A new report has warned about the deadly impacts on climate change on Antarctica’s penguin population. Number of the birds is plummeting steadily especially in those areas where global warming’s impact is the most widespread. Experts believe that climate change will further devastate the penguins and their population may go down by up to 60 percent by the end of this century. Colonies of Adélie penguins that exist only in Antarctica may be reduced by nearly two-thirds by the end of the century...
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  • Europe climate policy in doubt after Brexit vote

    Europe climate policy in doubt after Brexit vote
    From oil prices and economic growth rates to the value of the British pound, a host of indicators turned more volatile on June 24 as a small majority of Britain’s citizens voted in a nationwide referendum to leave the European Union.But one of the most confounding questions to come out of the vote could be on the front of climate change.Specifically, the questions are how Britain and continental Europe will separate their climate and energy policies ­– and whether those policies will stay on tr..
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  • New tarantula discovered in Colombia launches 'stinging hairs' to attack its enemies head on

    New tarantula discovered in Colombia launches 'stinging hairs' to attack its enemies head on
    A new type of tarantula discovered in Colombia may be the first in its subfamily to prefer hand-to-hand combat with its enemies.The spider is equipped with defensive hairs that can be used to directly attack an enemy, stinging them upon contact, the researchers say.Other tarantulas in the subfamily also have these 'stinging hairs,' but they are typically launched in a ball toward the target, and can cause fatal injuries to small mammals. A new type of tarantula discovered in Colombia may be the ..
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John Sutton lines up for 250th game at South Sydney .The ticking time bomb that ended Sally Pearson's Rio hopes .
IBAC investigates former Ballarat senior officer for fraud .Bunnings headed for Brexit disaster: BAML .

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